Apr 24, 2022Liked by Tara

Also, for intro music -- I'm voting for the Indiana Jones theme song with a slightly folk twist- acoustic style, but still plenty of action :)

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mmmmhmmm... I'm feeling it.

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Apr 24, 2022Liked by Tara

I was so happy at the end when you said you would address the plant medicine angle too in a future episode! I was thinking, "ok, benadry, can get. Check. But what do they use plant wise for anti inflammatory stuff? Homeopathics? Which specific ones does Tara like? Would Troy slip in a little something plant wise as a salve instead of neosporin if it was family? All these fun questions! I'm just delighted at the thought of hearing about your plant first aid kit. It's an art and a science and I would love a walkthrough of a whole broad spectrum - thoughts, etc. Also, how to get more advanced training on this kind of thing. Ok, I just deleted a bunch of additional writing. TMI. Let's just say that this is a great topic and I would love to learn more from both of you!

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Yes, that's a much bigger conversation for sure. That was just the emergency part, but we never use any of that. When there's something that happens around here and a life isn't in jeopardy, it's my domain. We don't use any western medicine stuff. Maybe I will have to unroll the day to day stuff too. :)

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Oh thank you so much for this!!

Tara i just love that you could feel how difficult it would be for a mother to cause pain and so were asking for ways to numb.

So much love and appreciation for you both ❤️

I have a rule in my home..... No phones at the table.... But i listened to this while eating lamb chops alone .... In a bid to pretend we were all sat round a table eating together, and I was listening to this conversation. I may have taken it a step too far when I called my cat "Fidel" 😬

Thank you so much for answering my question, I'm so grateful... And thank you so much for sharing your marriage advice.

Couple goals is such a cringey term.. But I do see your marriage and relationship as a goal i want to achieve.... One of such deep love and respect..... And your sharing helps me embody that vision.

Thank you so very much ❤️

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Thanks so much, Biba :) I will see about opening up the first aid kit that we use for the day to day stuff. We've actually never had to use anything Troy spoke about except for Benadryl in the case of an allergic reaction. I have got stitches from him before. But for the day to day, it's all plant medicines and salves and he gets doctored by me :)

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Tara

Thank you both, but a special thanks to Troy. This is one I will listen to at least one more time just to make sure I've gathered all the key things you two have learned on loving and respecting each other the way you do, and then I need to work on building my home emergency kit. The TnTs are great! Now for that into and exit theme music . . .

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Thank you, Guy.

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by Tara

Tara, random question. What electrolytes do you prefer?

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Hub's likes LMNT. I make my own with salt, potassium and magnesium.

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never felt much of a benefit from LMNT.

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Tara

Thank you for this TnT talk. I loved both topics. For the first aid portion after first aid training are their any books recommended for a parent to have on hand?

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I think his books are too advanced for the laymen but there are some good books on home doctoring out there.

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Thank you, I'll look up some home doctoring books :)

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Apr 24, 2022Liked by Tara

Dear Troy and Tara, thank you so much for sharing more with us! I feel like my husband and I are in a similar phase that you were some 10 years ago before you decided to work on yourself individually in order to create a deeper foundation for the two of you. I’m a bit lost on how to start (the ego currently finds its way into every argument and there is a lot of blaming in the heat of the moment…) and I was wondering if there were any tools or books you used back then in order to support you? We do speak very open, which is good but we are also both very… stubborn when arguments arises. I know it’s not an overnight thing but I really do feel a bit lost, unsure how to get there and unhappy / sometimes even resentful at the moment. Like you mentioned, we don’t have any elderly in our circle we could ask, in fact we are the ones sustaining a marriage for more than a few years, comparing to our parents and grandparents who all had multiple divorces. Which in itself already feels a bit „unknown“. Thank you so much, Step

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Hi Steph, thanks so much for your message. It's crazy to me that there are so few supports for young couples to figure out how to have healthy relationships. We're all just left up to our own devices to cobble things together. Maybe check out "Hold Me Tight" by Sue Johnson. So much of what we all want, men included, is to be seen and known and appreciated, but it takes vulnerability and to be vulnerable, there must be trust. I think this might be a good book to start with. Will you let me know? If it's awful, let me know that too. Hugs to you.

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Apr 23, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022Liked by Tara

I love how real your relationship with each other is. With every sentence I was saying to myself yes, we do speak different languages, yes we clash because we are different but ultimately we choose ourselves every day not by default but through a common effort to grow, sorting through years of misunderstandings and not giving up when it gets hard.

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Yes, exactly so, Diana. Thank you for your kind words. I suppose it would be so much easier if we were told this, but then how good is anything if it's not earned?

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It would have landed on deaf years in my 20s

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love this one. when I have downtime I go through and listen to posts I missed of yours before I became a subscriber. they always reground me. this one was exactly what I needed today— 26 years old, 1 day post conflict with my other half, no modelling of healthy relationships or conflict resolution in my life. thank you, thank you, thank you.

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