Slowdown Farmstead
Slowdown Farmstead
your Qs, my As

your Qs, my As

August - Part One

In part one of the Q&As I answered questions about natural building/home materials, cows, birthing in a hospital, building community, my “non-negotiables” in a home, having children sooner rather than later, athlete’s foot, good salt, paying off our mortgage and financial stuff, and a bunch more.

Further resources:

Birthgap, Dr. Stephen Shaw’s documentary on the results of the push to tell generations to hold off on having children.

The Epidemic That Dare Not Speak its Name

Institute for Family Studies

Antifungal powder recipe (you can mix up the essential oils - I found oregano oil very potent). I also added some borax to ours.

Mold in sea-salts study

Discussion about this podcast

Slowdown Farmstead
Slowdown Farmstead
Cultivating authenticity in a synthetic world. Ruminations on ancestral food, healthy living, family, connection to the natural world, life, death and this radical little thing called "sovereignty".