Merry Christmas! And thank you for sharing your knowledge. I liked so many things you talked about.good reminder and I try to remind myself, and esp need to teach my son , that just because you try something and it doesn’t work or not your thing, what did you learn from it?

I love my warm cup of ‘wake up drink’ in the mornings too, and only started drinking it the last 5 ish years or so. I have studied nutrition too ( functional diagnostic nutrition cert) and learned thru it a while ago that women handle or process caffeine differently than men. It really messes up our hormones and I can’t remember specifically what happens, but I do know that it is not good for us but, men can handle it just fine ..did you know that ? I was reminded of that when you said you and your girls have noticed the caffeine sticks with you forever and you can tell that it’s not good for you ,versus your husband can go to sleep half an hour after he’s drank it. so just thought I would share that. I too can tell it is draining my adrenals I’m not helping my hormones so even though every part of me is saying no don’t give it up !your favorite drink! I know that I need to . so maybe I will mentally be prepared by January 1 and join you.

When you were talking about how you got your certification in nutrition and start a practice helping clients I completely have been there and understand what you’re talking about because I did a similar route .I was a personal trainer first and massage therapist and then I found many things that would help me with nutrition that I wanted to share and help others, but I grew very discouraged and not understanding why people would come to me for help and then tell me how it was going to be or not even do the steps that they could do to make themselves better. I put so much time into 1 person only to have them make excuses and do nothing. Sometimes I wonder if it only drew people to me with a certain kind of personality.? And as you were saying how military guys would do the steps you told them they needed to do to get bigger muscles right to get stronger healthier, they would do it !!I just laughed because I could totally see that having been there. Thx for sharing.

The part you shared about herbs and using flowers for mental breakthroughs or help it’s very fascinating to me and that’s really awesome that they have helped you so much mentally . I will be checking them out. I think I struggle with herbs being OK to use in foods or for remedies knowing what I know about carnivore, (I’m not 100% carnivore but I definitely would like to be.. ) I still see that they could have properties just like vegetables that instead of helping you actually cause harm or reactions in the body. But maybe if only used for a short time when you’re sick the benefit outweighs the negative..?

You ask if you should continue doing this I see it as an easier way for you to answer peoples questions and I really enjoy hearing your voice and where you go with different questions ,you know even the little side stories are awesome.😁 I would like you to continue to keep doing them every once in a while☺️

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Thanks so much for your feedback, Julieanne. There's another confounding factor with the coffee and that's our genetic ability to breakdown caffeine. I know women who can quite easily down a big gulp sized coffee an hour before bed and still sleep. I don't think it's healthy, it can just be done. With me, I'm a "slow metaboliser" of caffeine so a day later, it's still floating about my body.

I have no worries about plant medicines. When we take them, we are using them as teas or tinctures or infusions. I have used them for decades and, honestly, just couldn't be without them. I no longer eat just carnivore, but it was a wonderful healing tool and I would recommend it as such. I will talk about that at some point.

Thanks for your encouragement 🙂🙂

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Oh I would love to hear about your experience with carnivore. Interestingly I see more and more carnivores adding back in fruits and non starch carbs to their diet and feeling great.

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Thank you & Merry Christmas! Love your gumption to quit coffee. I’m holding out a bit longer. Instead, I’ll strongly consider cold plunging! That’s been on my radar lately so, it’s no surprise you mentioned it. I was born and raised MUCH closer to the equator so, cold is not my jam. This won’t be easy!

I’m an RN and was always baffled by allopathic medicine but spent most of it in trauma care so, I guess I circumvented the full circle chronic-disease-is-an-abysmal-failure as a nurse until my own health became a chronic problem. After years of ok help, I changed my diet: first GF, then Paleo, then ancestral/species appropriate (all intuitively and much guided by WAPF), then mostly carnivore. Feel deeply into the Functional Medicine world and branched all the way out to reiki but, all along remained fairly ignorant to homeopathy and completely ignorant to flower essence therapy. Who knew?! So, thank you for giving me a new interest (because I’m one of those that studies everything that captures my interest- until I’m no longer interested 😉)

I hope you keep having conversations with us!! I enjoy your recordings.

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Thanks so much, Andrea. Your approach to allopathic medicine mirrors my husband's - trauma care (it is what western medicine excels at). Yes, the flower essences, in the hands of a skilled practitioner, are so beautiful and profound for healing emotional stuff. I'd love to hear if you try them.

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Thank you for sharing. I've been off coffee for almost a month and will stick with it for January! The cravings are intense, I want to break, but I am powering through and find that my diet changes along with the addition of daily mushroom drink and and electrolyte drink have helped immensely. We have always housed our chickens, ducks, and now turkeys, all together with no issues. I never even thought they couldn't as I innately assumed they could because they are fowl, birds of the same feather, and they are all happy and thriving. Merry Christmas to you and yours and thank you again for the gifts you share :)

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by Tara

Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I've been trying to quit coffee for months now. Definitely joining you in January!

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by Tara

Greetings to all. 🎄

Tara, previously, you spoke of Charles Eisenstein on Instagram. I followed on your recommendation, which was my usual practice of looking for answers.

Outcome: No longer searching for facts/truth.

Living now, Between Stories: surrendering old story thinking, and allowing possibility. I have no words for the happenings in my life now.

Tara, gratitude for just sharing you.

P.S. (78 yrs., next month, and in good health.)

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Oh, Alara, this brought me such joy! What a thing to no longer be searching. Love to you.❤️

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by Tara

Merry Christmas! 🎄 I get up before everyone and everything too, and it is so nice to wake up to these recordings. I feel like we’re drinking coffee in the dark together. I’m not ready to give it up by the way ;)

The gem from this one for me was when you said dating is supposed to be about filtering out the wieners, and sometimes people date with the intention of trying to make it work. God how I wish I’d understood that when I was younger. I wouldn’t have the kids I have now so I can’t wholly wish that, but fuck. I’d had saved myself so much heartache and abuse if I’d just gone with my gut on a person. Instead I ignored all the red flags, convinced myself it was good enough, and I was doing the right thing by sticking it out. I look back on six years of my life as mostly a terrible mistake and I spend a lot of time thinking about how to warn my kids against making the same mistake in the future. So I like what you said and I’ll write it down for them.

Maybe some people are just terrible at dating like that, because I did the same thing and rushed into my current relationship, ignoring common sense and doing anything to make it work. I don’t know if it was luck, or my soul recognized a good one this time, but it turned out great thank goodness. Haha

I hope you’ll keep doing these, just as they are. I really enjoy listening. As for exploring other options, are forums still a thing? I used to join forums based on interests a lot, it’s a great way to dive deep into things with people and get to know each other a bit. Maybe we could have a Slowdown Farmstead forum where people could start topics and learn from each other and make recommendations, talk about our lives etc. Just a thought :)

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Haha, I respect your resolve to the coffee! We have one bag of beans left and then it's gone and I'm dreading it, but I know it's time.

Me, too - the dating to make it work thing. I don't come by these tidbits theoretically! I am a woman who has made all the mistakes. Only, I don't believe in mistakes (or failures). I really don't. Every single thing, even the most heinous, has brought me here with these people and it's painful and wonderful and loving and hard and all that stuff. ❤️

I think there's a site where we can do this. It's on my 2022 list of things to dig into.

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by Tara

Oh, and I forgot to add - I was going to quit coffee with you in January, but yesterday I accidentally learned that my wife bought me a very special coffee for Christmas. I'll have to use that first I reckon, but after that coffee consumption will end here too.

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Still on board? I am working through our last bag and then that's it. No more coffee coming into the house.

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Jan 9, 2022Liked by Tara

Yes indeed I am. We are almost out of the Jamaican Blue Mountain and then I will be off of caffeine in all forms

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by Tara

As a new subscriber, I like this. You're a gifted writer, but I think we all enjoy hearing your thoughts via your voice once in a while. So doing these recordings periodically in the future will be a good thing. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

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Thank you, Guy.

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Thank you so much. Learning from you and about you is a joy. Merry Christmas. I would love for you to continue these talks in this form or another.

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by Tara

I'm delighted you're going to do a post on all the books - random tidbits, etc that have shaped and informed you. And thank you for the herb info. I really want to learn more about homeopathy - I have some for my animals but it's still in the "magic category" for me. I just don't understand it yet! - I'm still a lot more comfortable with herbal concoctions. Any and all natural health info from you is so appreciated. Thank you for the flower essence info - marvelous to know!

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Thanks, Janene 🙂

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I did the same thing with mud wtr. I just bought ingredients and made my own. But I didn’t do púre tea powder- that sounds like a great idea and in a press, genius. I went and tried it because my brother bought it- and I’d say mine was better ha so your not missing out on anything- you’re probably making a better concoction- I did add maca powder.

Dandy blend has often been my morning

Ritual drink and has helped my husband break his habit at times.❤️

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Well, I'm happy to report that it turned out so well! I think the puerh adds a deep, smoky taste. I quite like it!

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I love this form of interaction - letting your voice and thoughts and ways of being flow through my house and awareness feels really special and empowering. Thank you 🙏

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I have recently told my husband we’re quitting coffee in January as well. Which means he will just enjoy drinking it at work. Have you heard of Dandy Blend? Another supposedly delicious coffee sub. Not pricey, I may try it with something added for bitterness as well.

Love these podcasts :)

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Well, have you tried it? I'm not a dandy blend fan. Do you like it? I made the alternative one I mentioned and I really like it. We have about a week's worth of coffee beans left and then it's onto the substitute.

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We did try it and liked it! Husband did evn more than I. And our children felt like they were pretty big stuff getting to have it too. I do want to try your mix too, we have yet to try chaga. Glad to hear it was an acceptable sub!

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I have quit coffee a few times and came to it later in life as well. I’m currently on an every-so-often small mug of decaf to scratch the itch of hot bitter cream but otherwise off caffeine.

If you enjoy recording these, I so very enjoy listening to them and would welcome more as you feel inclined.

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I have recently been introduced to Charles Eisenstein and find him so encouraging.

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I have recently been introduced to Charles Eisenstein and find him so encouraging.

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