I am no longer on instagram (or other social media) and am so so so grateful to be able to enjoy your writings here. I have wanted to comment for awhile now (but try and limit my computer time) just to express my deep, heartfelt gratitude and love for all of the information you have ever shared. you have influenced and inspired my family to make countless batches of headcheese (from our hogs AND the hog heads of friends), start going label free, hard line our internet to mitigate EMFs and find dirty electricity in and around our home, wear natural fibers, make my own vinegars, make a solar dehydrator, run our cows in the forest, buy (and use!) the river cottage cookbooks, eat eyeballs for vision health, the list goes on and on. probably most dear is to not second guess our high standards for our young children and not feel so evil and utterly alone in the fact that they need to put high quality foods into their bodies, only have screen time once per week on family movie night, complete their age appropriate chores, shovel shit with the rest of us, etc.

you once wrote something along the lines of "challenge your comforts or die a soft doughnut" and soft doughnut has become somewhat of a euphemism in our household for how the other half (most?) live :) we also use it to check ourselves, like when i just reeeeaaally dont want to do a cold plunge and my husband looks up with a little head shake and says.. soft doughnut. we cherish having you as an example of someone out there living in her integrity, illuminating so many things as possibility.

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hahah oh my word, where do these things come out of my brain? What a scary place! A soft doughnut. Man, that is so great. Thank you for such generous compliments. It is so wonderful to hear that things I share may have actually landed with real people that found some merit in them. Thank you for sharing that with me and thank you for being here. :)

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Tara

Oh Tara I love these sessions with you so much. I feel like it’s the next best thing to sitting with you over a cup of coffee. No need to make these more polished in my opinion. Raw, authentic, and from the heart is so much more meaningful. Thanks for sharing with us today. Hugs.

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Thank you, Kristin 💕

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Oh wow!!

I say more rough and authentic. It’s honest and we all need a bit more of that these days.

And really, when you are talking about having your hand up a ducks backside cleaning it out…well??? Really, there’s not much you can polish that up with :)

I woke this morning at 4.30am my mind started go go going. Whirring about as I thought about the 4 small boys asleep under my care. Two snuggled in their beds and the other two had ventured out to the paddock and pitched a tent on the dam bank in the drizzle.

In Australia it’s just been announced that 5-11 y/o will most likely be able to receive the jab come January 2022 (much to the relief of their parents and teachers) and I can’t help but wonder why and how this is acceptable, that we would inject these kids so we can protect them from what I’d largely consider an “adults disease” Or are we doing it to them so we can protect ourselves from them?? (When In NSW our vax rate in 16+ is near 95%)

Sorry to bring back the vax convo, that was just where my head was at 4.30am…which is when I pressed play on your “you asked | part2” and I listened to your lovely voice and accent sipping coffee and taking about your dedication and mindfulness in your chosen way of life, I dozed in and out smiling and I thought, this is what I choose. A conscious living. A connection with Mother Earth. A pencil and note book in my pocket instead of a phone. A presence. Human Connection. A heart full of compassion & maybe on the odd occasion a hand up a ducks bum!

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Caroline, I choose those things too. Analogue. Connection. Tactile. I'm so happy that there was something in there that pulled you back into your centre, away from the friggen' lunacy. Sending you and your family boatloads of love.

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Tara

Could have listened to your thoughtful musings for hours. Cried along with you at the end. How beautifully you honour your daughter's spirt. So very sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your heart. Such a gift ♥︎

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Thank you, Carli. ❤️

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Thank you so much for every moment of this. I love what you said about natural beauty being your daughter on this plane. After losing my dad three years ago, my family excitedly tells each other whenever we see a bird or butterfly or flower that it’s him visiting us. Corny, I guess, but we all believe it (he was a nature lover and gardener), and I love hearing my son come back from a walk announce: I saw grandpa.

I am side-eying my grass fed meat from a local farm that’s vacuum-wrapped, but still better than many other things we could be eating and don’t. I did decide to be vaccinated, and do not appreciate anyone on either side telling people what to do with their bodies...which makes me even more grateful for your bigheartedness, creating space for everyone who wants to continually center nature, humility, respectful curiosity, and connection in our lives ❤️

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I'm sorry for the loss of your father, Jessica. Thank you for your kind words. I am so moved by people being here, reaching for our collective humanity and mutual care and self respect over defending positions or looking for divisions. That's what this is supposed to be all about, right? And fuhgeddabout the vacuum wrap, what's done is done. Just take it out of the plastic before thawing. It's beautiful food and it will nourish you. xo

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Tara, I woke up at 4 am this morning. Instead of tossing and turning and huffing and puffing, I padded downstairs, warmed up some salty chicken broth, turned on some fairy lights and wallowed in your podcast from my sofa, under a snuggly blanket. I loved every minute. Thank you, more please! T xxx

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I love that! Thank you so much for allowing me into your space with you, Tania.

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Tara, I'm not sure if I'm more appreciative of your time or more grateful for the wisdom you share. These talks are absolutely some of the best tidbits to satisfy and spark my curiosity. Truly thankful and always looking forward to your next shared pieces. Love to you, your family, and your homestead.

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That's so reassuring. I'm just so happy to have such a low-key, unpolished offering so well received. Thank you, Amy. Love to you and your family as well.

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Tara

This was so wonderful! I, too, have left Instagram for all reasons besides my small farm business, and I am constantly searching for more meaningful ways to connect with like-minded people. Thank you so much for putting yourself out into the world in this new way. It's such a fresh breath to connect without the stress and distractions that come with social media.

And YES! to a blog!

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Thank you❤️❤️

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I think the “rough and authentic” way you are sharing is absolutely perfect. It feels as if we are there having a conversation by the fire like you said. Thank you so much for your raw vulnerability and open heart. The perfect antidote to a divided world. Sending you so much love Tara. ❤️

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Thank you, Suzanna. I'm so happy it's been received that way. ❤️

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Thank you. I enjoyed this. So many good tidbits for me to learn, tuck away for the future, and I really value your experience and advice. I especially liked the last few minutes of you being you.❤️ I lost my daughter too… it’s very painful.

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I'm so very sorry, Julieanne. Sending you my love, wishing we could hug.❤️

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Your posts have become part of my happy place. Thank you for these answers! I feel nourished. I relish every bit you share, just as much as I too indulge in knawing on a juicy bone 😍 In S.A I grew up on mutton. There the best tasting lamb/mutton was raised on semi-arid region bushes. The landscape looked like there would be no way animals could thrive, and yet those sheep found wild, herbacious bushes to feast on. We, living near the ocean, would purchase a whole sheep and eat from it for the year between meals of fresh fish. But those mutton bones and Marrow. Drool-worthy!

I am excited about sharing what I have learnt here with my husband. I wish I could give you a gift in return. ❤

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Oh my, that mutton sounds amazing. I love mutton, too, but it's next to impossible to find here. We're going to keep a few sheep of our own just so I can get what I'm after. I'm flattered that what I share brings you some joy and information that might be useful. Thank you for your encouragement and support. ❤️

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Tara

Could listen to your thoughts, feelings and experience endlessly. So so appreciate your sharing and entertaining us :)

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Thank you so much, Sasha. :)💕

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Tara

I am forever grateful I found you on Instagram- even though I have such a dislike for that platform. I am happy you do what you do here, and inspire those of us to better ourselves and to continue to learn.

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Just heard your bit about clear plastic freezer wrapping. It got me thinking of my deep freezer full of my breast milk.. all packaged in clear plastic bags. Cringe. What can I use to freeze next go round that isn’t plastic and do you have any suggestions for keeping breast milk long term?

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For breast milk I would only use glass. You have to use glass jars with no shoulders and fill 3/4 of the way up. The "shoulders" are important. If you're on Instagram, you can search the hashtag "slowdownfarmsteadfreezingjars" or "slowdownfarmsteadjars". It's how I freeze all of my bone broth and other liquids including buttermilk.

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by Tara

Thank you for taking the time to just visit with all of us about the details of what you think and how and why you do things. It's so nice. So nice! I deleted instagram and your account is seriously the only thing I miss so I love all the pictures and the little anecdotes about what you're thinking. And I love having this longer form. All the details, please!

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Thank you, Janene. That's so affirming. :) 💕

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Dec 11, 2021Liked by Tara

Screw polished! Keep it a real life rough draft: the exact opposite of Instagram.

This was not boring. Even though I will probably never keep cattle, it is so good for me to hear how it is done, not only to broaden my perspective, but also to know what to look for when I buy meat locally. I’m very interested to see what platform you end up using, because I have found such community (even in IG!) during these times, and I would love to connect more deeply. Thank you for all you do.

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Ha! Thank you, Anna. It's so nice to hear that the polish isn't really what people are after. Although I'm sure some improvements in sound etc.. wouldn't hurt. Thank you for your kind feedback. 💕💕

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