Jan 20Liked by Tara

Why do I clutch my heart at this reading? Is it that I will miss your centering words and the conflicting peace alternating with urgency they always leave me with? Or the heartfelt descriptions of your world and how you try so hard to accept it all? I’m filled with happiness that you are heeding what your soul is telling you but selfishly, will miss you. Just know the impact you have on all of us and how grateful we are for all you’ve given. You deserve this time and sending you much love as you answer this call to nature.

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Jan 20Liked by Tara

I'm an odd bird Tara, I read hermitage as a title and began to cheer wildly! Your steadfast way of being you despite what anyone says is the way, is exactly what I love about you. You are a courageously force, one who holds space for the rest of us to be unconventional. Your pause males me celebrate because it gives me the reminder to integrate all you've shared all while stepping up and into my own adventures. Tara you could float onto the ethers with your beloved Mila, and still I would hold your energy close to my heart asking myself what boldness would you stand with, where can I lean into your courage....and in that you'd remain. So virtuous woman I bid you enjoyable travels. May your heart soar where it's called, may your beloved warm your being, and may God be ever present. All my love Tara, travel well. 😍

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Jan 20Liked by Tara

Oh Tara, while I’ll truly miss your writing prompting me to introspection multiple times a week, I so relate to your longing and the magnetism of writing your book, and I’m happy that you’re burrowing into the wild with your husband at your side! So beautiful and inspirational. I’ll take this time to read or reread your archived work and take action on things that poked me, but I let go due to distraction or overwhelm or plain forgetfulness. Winter is such a soulful time, if we allow it to be, and I will be thinking of you in your cozy tent as I try to attend to my own creative desires. Very excited to read your book, and even more so now that I know it is being crafted with such loving, unhurried care :)

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Jan 20Liked by Tara

I look forward to the break. To be, to ruminate and to implement what has been learned. Slowdown’s Substack is one of two online postings/blog that I subscribe to. It’s hard to not devour them when they arrive or read all the encouraging tidbits in the chats. But it causes a draw to the screen to be a part and to learn. Lastly I look forward to Spring and the book!

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Ahhh, I was waiting for this announcement for a few months now. YES. A thousand yesses. Tara, witnessing your commitment to serving the call of your personal seasons brings me so much happiness, and again and again inspires me (as a much younger mama/writer/midwife) to do the same. Sending you heartloads of love from Pennsylvania. Even with the connection coming only through your writing, you and Troy are dearly beloved; I keep—and will continue to keep—your beautiful self and your family in my daily prayers.

Also, on a technical note: is there a way to somehow still give the difference on subscriptions, either now or after you resume publishing? You may be pausing in offering new essays but I know I will be returning many times in the next months to re-read and learn from what you’ve already shared with us. I very much want you to still have my ever so tiny practical contribution.

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I am filled with an ache as I read your words. An ache for that wild disconnected life you are living. I am inching my way closer and closer. My teenagers are actually at the point that they are willing to let go of WiFi in the house.

Everyday I am in the woods walking. I have never had a winter as good as this winter (emotionally, physically, spiritually) and it has so much to do with the wisdom you have shared.

You are in the last trimester of this book. It makes sense that you are feeling called to nest in preparation for the birth.

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Jan 20Liked by Tara

Pack horses and or mules! We each have a horse we ride then 3 pack animals to carry in camp, feed and carry out an elk. All these bodies moving together is so pleasant

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Jan 20Liked by Tara

Oh Tara, as they say in Spanish, 'Vaya Con Dios' - go with God and do your work. I will miss you and these essays. Love to you.

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Jan 20Liked by Tara

Go in peace and love and know that you are envied and will be missed. May your hand be guided. Big hugs across the snowy miles. Xo

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Jan 20Liked by Tara

I wish you well Tara on your book and snow sleeping journey! I too feel called to sleep outside and especially in the woods. I feel most alive and at peace during our yearly elk hunt where it is just my hubby and I in nature where the cell phones have no reach. Usually we have the pack string but this year it was just us and our might carrying what we needed to survive. It was a much more peaceful trip although I do love leading a pack string, everyone in line following one simple lead. I will be here eagerly awaiting your return.

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Jan 21Liked by Tara

I get it.

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Jan 20Liked by Tara

How gorgeous. I am inclined to say "soak up every minute", but nearly no one knows and teaches me how to do that more than you / your family. Until the geese return! Farewell for now.

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Tara, your writing and pictures are so authentic and evoke such emotion I feel like I am there alongside you. Your camp seems like a dreamy place to me curled up on wool and furs by a woodstove. I can’t wait to read your labours of love again. You offer us such a gift with every word. Thank you. God bless you. And I sure hope you enjoy your time. Sending love! ❤️

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Jan 20Liked by Tara

Oh Tara I am positively giddy for you! Your words echoed feelings I’ve had since we moved to our middle-of-nowhere homestead with no one in sight. And yet I still feel called to go deeper into silence, stillness, and solitude. Your commitment gives me courage to do what’s necessary for myself to satisfy this deep yearning for more (aka less). Enjoy your hermitage, my friend, and I look forward to reuniting when you return! ❤️

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Before opening the email I so anticipate every Saturday morning, I had a feeling you would be retreating for some time as soon as I read the title. While I will miss your wise and thought provoking words, I feel such joy that you’re fulfilling your calling. I will patiently wait for your return, excited to hear the stories uncovered during your time within. Thank you so much for this community you’ve created. Best of luck!

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Beautiful and inspiring as usual! I don't make time to comment often, but just knowing this little corner exists feeds my soul. Be well, and I look forward to the stories you feel called to share upon your "return". I hope spring finds your rejuvenated and your book wonderfully completed.

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