Apr 20Liked by Tara

I love this all so much. I’ve missed your thought process and writing. Well, I’ve been up since 3:45am EST. I think labor is beginning. I’m 40 weeks and 6 days pregnant with a baby girl soon to be arriving. Contractions are 15 minutes a part. Maybe like the heifer, recently calving, I will soon welcoming my first born daughter into the world. 🤍

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Apr 20Liked by Tara

welcome back Tara!!! Missed you so much and chatting inside this wonderfull community!!💚💚💚

What’s in my life?

Uncertainty unfortunatelly… in my part of the world (East Europe, Baltics) we have worse situation than before - I mean constant media news about war and Russia entering here, also government plans to invest into country defence more and more and that means higher taxes and poorer economy and finally even higher war threat.

Well, we are prepared for the war - for staying or running. I packed the bags with some essentials, we did first help and gun using courses as many our country people did. I prepared food, lasting for some time.

…but at the same time we enjoy life and planing future and this makes life more intense and meaningfull!

I am happy that my skills I’ve learned within this community help to offset the harsh personal income decrease ( I am forced to close my small art gallery).

I am happy my oldest son studying in Denmark - being nonnative here helps to focus on studying and job and stay away from all crazy propaganda of these times ( we sending him good food provision from time to time to ofset the supermarket food harm ).

I am happy I finally decided next year to move from small city and settle down in our homestead ( which we were renovating these years) in the country and start raising animals!

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Oh Tara! How is it possible to miss someone so much whom I have never even met?!

Dare I announce this publicly, but I have been checking Substack daily just in case I have missed something from you here. 🙊

And now, back to reading your words…

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Oh Joy!

I received an email earlier stating a payment went through and suspected to receive a happy return post- and how happy it has made me!!!

How glorious!

I missed you Tara, a whole lot.

I have never met you but it feels like a dear friend has just returned from a long trip away.

Thank you.

What is shaking in my wild and wooly world?

In the southern hemisphere I am about to move home again , today I realised I have moved home eleven times in nine years!.

This new home is exciting - cattle, geese, chooks, ducks and horses.

It is available long term but do I want long term?

I am confused currently about my reality, my relationship with God, my future.

I find what is feeding me now is the moments sitting in front of a fire, seeing my daughter wolf down a slippery steak and our sweet afternoon daily bush walks.

I am currently unraveling after a very traumatic divorce and court case regarding my previous husband.

To me saying I am tired is freeing.

I am tired. I am exhausted.

To allow myself to unravel and be a mess is healing.

To not know is just fine.


Unraveling is my word for this next season as I move home.

Homeschooling and homesteading.


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Apr 20Liked by Tara

Tara, you are back - it brings me to tears. Reading your words makes me so happy, it brings joy and grief and a treasure that is beyond words.

This last few months have had me shift in subtle ways. I feel it is God working me so beautiful. Things shift and change - which is not always pleasant, but so necessary. I feel closer to my man than ever and more confused as a mother. I am finding my way. It is truly a delight to have you inspire and ground me through your words again.

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Oh I've missed you so much!! I have reread so many of your essays in your absence....still learning something new every time x

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Welcome back Tara. A Beautiful post you share! Thank you for the lovely photos and video. Your granddaughter is such a cutie pie- “moo”! What a scene for her to take in - all the moo cows. Looking forward to all your insights and conversations that evolve with our wonderful Substack community.

We welcomed our 6th grandchild - a boy born Feb. 29- a leap year baby! I was at our daughter’s birth. Her first was breech so this was her life changing VBAC and seeing her experience pushing out her second boy was exhilarating for all of us.

so many of our boot camp principles are a natural nourishing part of my life each day. With the addition of some health concerns slowly diligently getting resolved, life in this glorious spring is full and rich. 💙

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Apr 20Liked by Tara

Hip hip hoooorayyy!!

Such a welcomed way to awake this Saturday once again reading your words 🥰

Much has changed and much has remained the same. Isn’t that the point? To continue to evolve? We are selling our little homestead in hopes of different dreams. A hunting property, a bit more land…let’s see where this adventure takes us! I officially launched my apothecary in January and find a new level of joy sharing my creations with the world. Inspiring and teaching others that nature IS medicine! My kids are growing like weeds and the sweet sound of spring is bustling around us!

Welcome back 🤗

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Welcome welcome back! I wonder if it's strange to say I've really missed your words and at the same time, enjoyed a bit of a break from thinking about all the ways we could change into holistic health? I realize that says a lot about me and learning to find that healthy balance with what I can do and what I need to let go.

But we've been experimenting with going lower carb (per Troy's threads) and I've finally started lifting weights and exercising consistently. And you were right about that😉

This year is our 10th anniversary and I'm so looking forward to celebrating with my man in the deep woods in a little camping trip. We are more in love than ever and I'm thankful for that. My baby is 16 mon old and starting to trot around the farm and I'm getting baby fever again ❤️

May your summer be blessed!

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Welcome back, Tara, you’ve been greatly missed! How lucky I felt to be able to dive into previous posts and get my ‘Tara fix’ over the last few months. But it was time - thank you, geese!

Things here on the farm have been much the same since you paused: full of renovations, kitchen/tallow skin care experiments, and continued hunts for vintage treasures to fill our new old home. It seems I dive deeper into farm solitude a little more each day, a newness I’ve happily embraced. I’m pleased to report that the dumbwaiter will be delivering jars filled with homegrown goodness down to the cellar this spring/summer…he’s much more clever than he’s given credit for.

We received news that a dear family friend passed in a car accident two days ago, a weird spring white-out snowstorm here in Alberta. We’re all trying to wrap our heads around this loss and sorting out how best to support her husband and two kids. I’ve been talking to God a lot too…I’m so grateful for my faith.

On a happy note, my daughter is wrapping up year 3 of her naturopathic medicine studies and boarding a plane from Toronto to Calgary as we speak. She’s gonna get loved up hard in just a few short hours.

Congratulations on your book, Tara, I can’t wait to have a copy on my bedside table. It’s so good to have you back. ❤️

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Apr 20Liked by Tara

Well, what a pleasant surprise this morning!!! Good to read that all went well and is well!

God bless you in your journey towards enlightenment. We are all privileged that you share it with us.

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Absolutely perfect timing for your return and I am thrilled about your victory in meeting your goal!! This past week we left our Air Force life behind forever and are currently “unhoused” as we transition out to our forever life in north Idaho! 10 acres of woods are waiting for us to come and build! And yes, I’m terrified 🤪. Trying to get my mind around the whole thing and still take those baby steps without getting too overwhelmed.

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Apr 20Liked by Tara

I’ve missed your writings, Tara!

I loved reading about the happenings of spring in your neck of the woods.

I just had my first baby seven weeks ago! A little boy. We didn’t know what he was until he entered this world and what a fun surprise that was! He was born at home 9 lbs 10 ounces (must’ve been all that raw milk I drank throughout my pregnancy). What a joy motherhood has been!

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Apr 20·edited Apr 21Liked by Tara

So glad to have you back! Thank you for returning.

What an adorable granddaughter you have. It’s wonderful that she’s so healthy and that your daughter has taken so well to motherhood!

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You’re back! How I savor your words and all that’s in them. Bravo on finishing your book, and may the polishing go well! I can’t wait for all you’ve saved up to share with us, in great anticipation.

It’s a brave thing to take a winter of hibernation in a way. To step back from the go, go, go, that is both societal and self inflicted - at least for me. Giving more time with God, it’s a good reminder of what is needed most. It’s a short life we have, what matters most is most important, not the hustle to get it all done. Thank you Tara ❤️

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It’s so, so good to hear from you - I missed your writing immensely! My husband and I were driving my parents to the airport very early this morning and witnessed the sunrise. Shortly thereafter I was thinking about you and lo and behold I opened my email and, surprise!

As to what’s going on with me… In the last Q&A you answered one on my questions about what to do when spotting post exercise. One of the things you mentioned was Rosita’s cod liver oil. I bought it immediately and started taking it and I’m now 8 weeks pregnant after 10 months of trying. Thank you so much, Tara, for taking the time to answer questions so thoroughly and with such care.

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