Jan 8Liked by Tara

Hi, Tara! No question, I just wanted to thank you for being part of my life. Since I began following your IG account, I've been inspired to improve my life so much. My joint, hair, skin, cardiac, and gut health have improved drastically. My finances have improved because I've gotten into the habit of spending more frugally and with intention. I read more, I spend less time looking at a screen, and I go through life more joyfully and intentionally. I'm in a wonderful, stable, healthy relationship and we listen to your podcasts together! So from the bottom of my healthier heart, thank you.

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Any suggestions for clean, natural fiber, and comfortable bras and underwear? I am struggling to find ones that check all of the boxes....I’ve listened to all of your q&a’s and don’t think you’ve touched on this yet :) Thanks in advance.

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Hi Tara, I’m interested to hear your thoughts about the emotional causes of disease. I’ve been reading books like “When the Body Says No,” by Gabor Mate, “The Body Keeps the Score,” by Bessel Van der Kolk, and diving into German New Medicine. Despite living on our dream farm in the middle of nowhere with no debt, raising a large portion of our own food, and doing all the “healthy” things, I am experiencing some of the worst health of my life. I feel like I’m on some sort of wellness hamster wheel, where I’m endlessly chasing one possible culprit after the next- is it the water, the blue screens, the coffee, the clothing I’m wearing? Digging into the unresolved conflicts in my life is helping, slowly. While I find the people in the German New Medicine sphere quite dogmatic, I find the overall idea quite compelling. Anyway, I’d love to hear your thoughts on how much this piece of the puzzle affects our overall health.

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Hello Tara,

I am wondering what you would do if you were in my situation?

I am full time sole parenting my six year old daughter and home schooling. Currently we are supported by the government to do this.

I am living as closely to 'my dream' of homesteading/farm steading/homeschooling as I can but one thing that isn't ideal is the financial support from the government that I have received for three years now. Of course I am grateful and this has allowed me many wonderful opportunities for example, to have these precious early years with my daughter, to leave an abusive marriage, to be at home on the farm.

There is just an unease that comes up every now and then. Receiving money from 'them'.

The questions arise, what will happen if I get cut off financially, the changing world is pushing me closer and closer to the homestead life. Which means of course I grow food. What if I can not afford to run the car without this support. Everything is government funded.

What would you do Tara in this situation? We live rurally without many other humans.

How would you transition to creating finances from home as a isolated single mother while homeschooling?

My daughter and I are thriving from our choices of living like we do. Yet I am 'holding' a lot right now and cannot imagine how to add work in.

Should I just be grateful and carry on?

How to move forward?

What would you do?

I would love so much to hear your thoughts.

With love, Danielle.

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Hello! Thank you for opening this up, I’ve wanted to ask about cows for a while. Can you speak to the dairy and beef cattle breeds you’ve had and worked with over the years? If someone is starting out do you have preferences on breeds they would be best to get? Any sage wisdom to share about being in relationship with these creatures would also be lovely. Thank you ❤️

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Curious about the health issue that you alluded to in the chat and I saw you also said you guys are back on carnivore. Maybe you’ve got an essay about that coming, but just wondering about your reasons for switching back. I remember before you said that you were considering it. Thanks!

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Tara I so look forward to you Q&A’s - and would listen as long as you’re answering questions from your well of wisdom! How to ask this without sounding redundant.. Despite being on a carnivore diet, having a lifestyle in line with all of your recent bootcamp topics, and have for a few years now, I’m still struggling so with my health. Mainly fatigue, brain fog and pain. To the point of not keeping up with responsibilities. I’ve delved deep into the mind body connection, read many books on the topic and feel that this is such a huge key - but I’m just not seeing the needle move much. You’ve written so much on this topic of health, are there pieces I may be missing? Or especially with the mind body work does it just take time? Much gratitude for your shared wisdom, life and skills with us!

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OK now that I’ve learned about Redmond salt and how it is horrible with heavy metals, I am switching my salt , but now I’m concerned about what my cows eating since I feed them the same Redmond salt. I also give the conditioner which seems so contradictive if they are high in heavy metals. Have you found a brand of salt that’s better to give Livestock?

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Hello Tara,

I would love to hear more about how you milk your cows with the seasons. How do you so? Do you make sure that are all bred around the same time and do you dry them up when winter comes? I’ve heard you mention you don’t milk in the winter and you use milk as a seasonal food, I’d love to hear more details about how you do that.

Also random but have you ever owned milk goats? Your honest opinions on them?

Also if anybody else reads this comment and has any opinions or advice on milk goats it’d be very much appreciated! We own milk cows but are thinking about trying some goats too to introduce some goat milk to our daughter.

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Hello! Would love to learn more about your thoughts and advice for dental hygiene. There don't seem to be holistic practitioners around me (will dig deeper), but what do I look or ask for when finding a dentist? How often do you go to the dentist? Outside of that care, what does your daily routine entail? I brush with Rupam's One Drop Toothpaste or Dr. Bronners when I travel, floss when I remember, and use a tongue scraper every morning. I do also sleep with a nightguard due to teeth grinding .. I don't have any major cavities (I'm almost 34) and consume sugar and such when I choose to. I do notice some gingivitis and gum recession; dentists have always told me I have great teeth lol - I've grown up eating the whole gamut, so don't if that's due to genetics, diet, regular care, or what. I used to visit the dentist every 6 months as a child and up through adulthood, though have not visited one in the past year or so due to both issues with insurance, booking availability, and desire to find a more holistic route (whatever that means!). Thanks for any insights - sending a toothy smile :)

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Hi, Tara! For the record, I’d listen to all 4 hours of your responses! I appreciate you taking the time to answer our questions. Thank you! I am beginning the learning process of canning/pickling and am wondering if you could provide some tips and words of encouragement. Like everything, there are contradicting opinions about how to go about canning, but I value your opinions and would love if you could share your techniques! Also, I’m wondering what food you feed your cats? I want to get a cat, but don’t want to feed it kibble and am always overwhelmed by the information on the internet.

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hi Tara <3 I know you are a walking wealth of wisdom on the subject of marriage...I listen to all of your TnT talks! i just got married a month ago and was wondering if you could shoot off some advice specifically for newlyweds, even if just a simple adage or affirmation. we are both 25! I've been following you since you were just on instagram, and i cant count all of the times i have referred to your content/experience in situations of deliberation and principle-forming. may God bless you and your beautiful family abundantly in 2024!

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Could you speak to the pro-metabolic/Ray Peat approach? I know that you mentioned it coming back around like trends often do. I see so many on the internet sharing healing stories around fertility, metabolism, etc. and it’s so confusing to sort through the claims and approaches. I’ve read most of what you’ve shared and listened to and read a bit of Dr. Jack Kruse’s work...and of course there’s your boot camp challenge to stop eating several hours before bed. I tried more of a pro-metabolic approach for a while and got my appetite back and improved some other symptoms, but I also had high blood sugars during my last pregnancy that I’ve never experienced before. I think I went a little overboard on the grains and carbs, though. Eating and drinking out of season fruit in our northern climate just doesn’t make sense to me either. Anyway...both approaches seem to be helpful for different folks and I suppose it will just come down to me experimenting and seeing how I feel. Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thank you for these Q&As--I love listening!

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Also wanted to say been thinking of you and the health issue you alluded to. The tone seems quite serious. You’re in my prayers, whatever it may be.

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Are you still using your Berkey as your water filter? I’ve seen a lot of companies imitating it. I also saw a berkey Instagram handle stating that they’ve been shut down and cannot sell their filters, while their third party sellers can, and they suggested buying from them in the meant time. Something has started to feel fishy about them. But maybe it’s truly just the fact that there’s so many trying to scam.

Also, I know they filter a hell of a lot. But do they also filter minerals? I have been getting random PVCs (I’m a nurse and have witnessed it on the EKG monitor at work) and it seems to go away if I take magnesium. I’m wondering if that’s getting depleted due to the Berkey filtering minerals, as well? If not, I will explore other options for reasons for mineral depletion.

Thank you!


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I want to attest to the immense value there is in previous Q&As. Never a lack of something to listen to and I glean something new each time! I am wondering about watering in the winter. What do you do for all your different animals? We don’t have electricity to our barn and the largest animal so far is pigs. Hauling water repeatedly in the winter is tough. We’d really like cows but don’t have any type of water beyond hauling. It’s preventing me from taking the leap. My dad recalls a cattle waterer that had a stove in the middle and they would start a fire that would thaw the ice !

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