Thank you for the beautiful writing Once again Tara!

Yes, babies have a way of slowing you into their magical space. Daughter Françoise, one of your fervent followers gave birth to beautiful twin girls, Eva and José, last Saturday by emergency C-section. All went well and they are doing well, gaining from their original 3.4 and 3.5 pounds. José is flying to Edmonton tomorrow for open heart surgery so, if anyone has prayers to spare, I would like to borrow some on behalf of José and Françoise. I promise to return them at the most appropriate moment. Thank-you! Much 💕 love.

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Thank you for sharing this with me. I am saying my prayers on behalf of Françoise, her sweet baby girls, and your whole family. I have also put a call out for others in our little online community to do the same. Please update me. I will keep them all close to my heart and in my prayers. My love to you all.

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Update: Claude I hope you can get on the chat and see how many loving and generous souls are praying for your whole family. It’s so deeply and profoundly touching. I’m weeping at just witnessing the compassion. Please pass it all in to Françoise when the time is right.❤️

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Praying for them both now. I pray all goes well and there is peace and joy with your sweet new grand babies!

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Thank you for your beautiful words. They landed gently on my restless soul this morning, inviting me to lean more deeply into hope, peace, and compassion. ❤️

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Thank you, Angie.

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Your transparency and vulnerability reach the deepest part of my soul. Thank you for sharing your beautiful words with us. 💕

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Thank you, Michelle🌷

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Many many thanks of gratitude for your words of experiential wisdom from your heart to ours. So beautiful. Your spring offering to us will carry me!

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I’m all warmed up to hear that. Thank you, Rebecca 💕

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So beautiful!

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Beautiful, and a perfect allegory of Good Friday and Easter- the inconceivable pain of the crucifixion and the inconceivable gift of the resurrection. One doesn’t exist without the other. Or maybe the crucifixion and resurrection are a perfect allegory of life.

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Beautiful. ❤️

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This is so beautiful! I thought of it as I was outside with my family tonight collecting sap and hearing the birds singing so sweetly. There's really no words to describe the beauty of spring.

I almost have to share of our beautiful spring story, our son of promise we call him. It's a long story, forgive me

We have 2 beautiful daughters and a 3 month old son.

2 years ago, spring 2021 we were talking and praying about adding to our family. Something always held me back and one night I very clearly felt God speak to my heart, Wait till October. In a culture that prizes children and shuns the thought that one should prevent children, I felt absolute peace about waiting. In August, while still waiting but thinking I was possibly pregnant, I again felt God clearly speak with a vision, myself holding a baby and not afraid, and felt God say, You will have a son and you will not be afraid. No time-line given. (I always thought visions happened in holy moments but this one literally happened as I was getting out of the shower😉). I was not pregnant that month but the significance is that I spent a lot of my other 2 pregnancies so fearful of so many things.

I got pregnant in the spring of the next year, and true to the vision, I was simply not afraid. At all.

Prior to conception my husband had also been struggling with a lot of fear about having another child, especially in the after of covid. One morning he was reading in Hosea and felt God speak and tell him that we will have a son and the pregnancy will be fine but no guarantees for afterward.

I had a beautiful pregnancy till the last 2 months or so when I had more issues and high blood pressure. We skipped all the ultrasounds and routine tests and prepared for a homebirth. The overall theme of the pregnancy was no fear and so much joy.

I had very good nutrition and spent a lot of time sunbathing as well.

Our son was born Jan 3, 2023 at home. I birthed him by myself because the midwife didnt get there in time. It was a very fast labour and quite traumatic for me and then I had a hemorrhage and still ended up in the hospital. I had a number of issues and hormonal problems afterward and still do.

But. Our son. Our beautiful son is such a joy to us. He has been our happiest, smiliest baby, his whole face smiles. He's growing like a weed, sleeps like a champ and is so calm and alert.

I just wonder how much his disposition has to do with my state during pregnancy and also receiving no drugs or vaccines.

We are so so grateful and all so in love with him!

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Soul stirring, beautiful, inspiring.....thank you, Tara!

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What a beautiful read, that resonates with every part of me Tara. No, my life is not easy. But I still find the world beautiful. I didn't take the path that others took, the "career", the commute, the Tim Horton runs..okay I tried it and worked on Bay street for 5 years. But I, too, want my own map, not someone else's. Also my 10 year old son's baby feet were my favourite thing....sometimes he still asks "Mummy do you want to pick out my toe jam?" I'll still do it.

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What a marvelous Easter message. Thank you, Tara. This sums up what draws me to your feed - I love all the knowledge, yes, but your innate goodness and strength is a gift to all of us. I am forever grateful for your, "life in service to life" quote and I remember your tree analogy often - broken limbs, hard times, but still reaching for the light. Blessings to you and your beautiful family!

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Well. That made me cry. All the emotions just welled up inside of me and I thank you for sharing yours. Happy Easter, Tara. ✝️❤️

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Although I know we've lived different lives, I continue to relate to your words so much. They inspire all the ways I find wholeness in this life- gratitude, living in service to other beings with full tenacity, creation of love and ideas and curiosity, finding home (and answers) in the natural world... so much more. If I'm going to spend any of my time in this time and space between time and space (the internet), then it needs to be worth every second. So thank you. Enjoy soaking in the magic.

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Beautiful. You are a lantern lighting the way for others. I so cherish your writing, your life, who you are, for what you stand. Blessings to you and yours this morning.

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