Last week, I wrote about the bowmen competition we host here on our farm every year. Quite a few of you asked if I could share more about it. Seeing that Troy is the mastermind behind it, I sat him down and asked him to explain what the competition is all about, why he started it, and what he (they) get out of it. For those that are into these types of competitions, fitness, hunting, or those that just like to hear about them, I offer thee this little audio bonus and photographic evidence of maniacs in motion. Enjoy!

Slowdown Farmstead
Cultivating authenticity in a synthetic world. Ruminations on ancestral food, healthy living, family, connection to the natural world, life, death and this radical little thing called "sovereignty".
Cultivating authenticity in a synthetic world. Ruminations on ancestral food, healthy living, family, connection to the natural world, life, death and this radical little thing called "sovereignty".Listen on
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