I thought for this Saturday’s post I would forego the usual “around my farm, in my kitchen” post. You know what’s going on - something’s bubbling away on the stove, in my fermentation crocks, and (well you don’t know this part), but I’m probably outside with hubs harvesting our second steer of the season. No, instead I thought I might share something different this go around. I’ve sat myself down and crawled through the cobwebs in my mind to share with you some of the mundane and not-so-mundane things that have stood the test of time in our lives or, I have recently discovered and just love. The list won’t be all-encompassing, but if it’s well received, I will endeavour to do it again sometime.
In my kitchen:
Pots: I use Le Creuset pots. They’re cast iron and lined with enamel, made in France. The safest things to cook with in my estimation. These are investment pieces to be sure but I am still using ones that are decades old. My daughters know that when I die, there are things that should not be donated to the thrift stores and these are some of those treasures. I’m sure my grandchildren will be using them one day.
I should note that there’s counterfeit Le Creuset out there. I was given one as a gift