You’ll be receiving this transmission as we’re barrelling down the highway, northward bound. Heading home. I feel trepidation and excitement in those two words, probably both for obvious reasons. So much has changed in our lives these past few days. A new granddaughter that brought with her the tail winds of messages from the heavens.
What now?
We don’t want to be the absent grandparents. We don’t want to dip in and out of our daughters lives twice a year, more symbol than substance. But what that means for us is monumental and uncertain. We have spent years of our blood, sweat, and tears getting our little farm to a place where we can actually be now - returning home and living solely from the food from place. We have built infrastructure and systems and we have the home of our dreams.
“Just stuff. It could all disappear in a fire” my dear husband said yesterday. We were