Merry Christmas to one and all. I wonder what you may have done this Christmas season that turned out quite swimmingly or, perhaps, has got you thinking up ways of doing things differently next year. Got one or both of those scenarios rolling around in your noggin’? I do. Both the “swimmingly” and the sinking but all in all it’s been a wonderful Christmas for us.
As many of you know, our eldest daughter and her family came up for Virginia this year for a nice, plump visit. In fact there is the world’s most adorable two year old granddaughter partaking in her afternoon nap as I click clack away on these keys. It was so wonderful for her to arrive and immediately reach for us, calling our names and pointing out everything she remembered. All of those regular visits to Virginia do pay off - she knows us! It was so touching for us to be greeted with effusive hugs from our beautiful people.
Our other daughter, Ella, also came home. It’s a full house, but a good one. Christmas meals cooked with my grown daughters alongside is very special for me. There’s a dance in a well-worn, working kitchen. I move in a way - more whirling dervish than